Maps & Directions
Chabad Beth Meir HaCohen is located at 19045 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda, California, 92886,

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Driving Directions
From Costa Mesa, Newport Huntington Beach:
Take the 55 North to the 91 East, the first exit is Lakeview, exit, take a left and then a second  left on to Lakeview. Go up Lakeview about 2 miles to Yorba Linda Blvd, take a right, we are on the left-the North side of the street, just after Ohio. You will have to pass the Center and make a U Turn at the Park. 

From Long Beach:
Take the 91 East to Lakeview and follow the directions above.

From Los Angeles:
Take the 5 South to the 91 East and follow the directions above.

From South Orange County:
Take the 241-Toll Road-north to the 91 West. Your first exit will be Yorba Linda Blvd. Take a right and go down about four miles. We are on Yorba Linda Blvd about a quarter of a mile after Kellogg, just after the Park on the right side.
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