Rules and Regulations
As of September 1, 2014 the public and private schools in Orange County will no longer be accepting students who are not 5 by September 1 into their traditional Kindergarten program.
Before a student is admitted, parents must fill out an application forms, state and medical forms. Parents or guardians are required to sign an agreement indicating the fees and payment schedule. Credit card or head checks are needed before enrollment.
The fees are based on a monthly schedule. We are open 10 months a year with some vacations. There is a summer session available as well. Registration fees are due each September.
Several forms will be included in your second registration packet; some of which are required by the Department of Social Services, Licensing Division. The school is subject to citations if these forms are not completed for every enrolled child in the school.
If information changes during the year such as phone numbers or emergency contacts, it is imperative the school be notified.
We are asking that your telephone calls be made outside the Preschool facilities so that your full attention is with your child.
All parents must park their cars in our lot and walk to the preschool to drop off and pick up their children. Parking is not allowed in the handicap spaces or in areas striped with red lines.
SIGN IN: Find your child's name. Sign your full name -no initials please (state law) and time. Place an "M” if we will be administering medicine that day. Check off that the daily phone number is correct. The sign in and out sheet is in your child's classroom.
SIGN OUT: Find your child's name. Sign your full name and time in the second box. A new sheet will be present every day.
*Each non signed sheet will be charged $5 per day.
Children in an early childhood school setting need the freedom to move about the classroom unencumbered by bulky or overly fussy clothing. To decide if your child is appropriately dressed, ask yourself the question, "Will I be upset if paint, food coloring, dirt, or spaghetti sauce gets on this outfit?" If the answer is "Yes", please change your child's clothes. Children are encouraged to wear leggings or pants to protect their legs from climbing outside.
There should be an extra set of clothing, (including socks, underwear and a blouse/shirt and pants/skirt) in your child's cubby at all times; This way, we can be certain if your child's clothing is inadvertently wet or dirty, we can help your child return to the comfort of a clean set of clothing. Because many of our activities are held out of doors, it is important to keep a sweater or light jacket in school as well. Please label all clothing, including sweaters and jackets.
An important step in developing your child's independence is helping him or her to be able, with a minimal amount of assistance, to take off and put on their own clothing.
Many toilet accidents can be prevented when children can unbuckle or unbutton pants without a struggle. Pull-on clothes and tennis shoes with Velcro are great! Please do not send your child to school with flip flops or crocs.
The following items are required and should be sent to school in a large zip-locked bag identified with your child's name:
- 2 pair of SOCKS
- 2 pair of UNDERWEAR
When any of these items are sent home soiled or wet, please replace them the next day.
We have an earthquake kit in the classroom. Please add, (1) 3 X 5 CARD with name, emergency contact number, and address.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are routinely conducted according to school regulations and procedures. Our goal is to clear the building at any given time in two minutes or less.
Security Lock-Down Drills
In this climate of terrorist threats and security concerns, the school has implemented a plan for security lock-down. Teachers are trained in this procedure and practice drills are scheduled throughout the year. The facility has cameras, and we lock the perimeter doors during school hours.
In an emergency situation, it is difficult to make calls to the areas of concern. We understand that usually outgoing calls can be made to other areas. Arrangements have been made with an out-of-state school for our parents to call for information concerning children.
The number is: Torah Day School 713-777-2000. These above procedures are planned with hope that they will never be necessary to implement, but we would like to believe that we are prepared for all possible circumstances.
It is urgent every parent cooperate fully with our health policies! Our regulations are designed to protect the wellbeing of all the children and to guard, as much as possible, against avoidable absences for health reasons. All vaccinations must be up to date for enrollment.
When symptoms of possible illness arise, or other indications that your child is not well enough for group activity, arrangements MUST BE MADE for his/her care at home. PLEASE, do not bring a "borderline" ill child to school hoping he/she will pass. A proper place for a sick child is at home, so he/she will not infect other children. The school has no provisions for the care of children who become ill at school.
Proper care right from the start is imperative so he/she will not infect other children. The school has no provisions for the care of children who become ill at school.
If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called at home or work and you or your emergency contact will be expected to pick up your child as soon as possible. Exposure to communicable disease and any infectious illness of other family members should be promptly reported to the school office, so we may alert our families to watch for early symptoms.
By the same token, we will notify families when their child has been exposed or has exposed the school to an infectious disease. If your child has an episode of vomiting, you will be required to take him home as soon as possible. If your child is sent home with a temperature of 99 degrees or higher, your child can not return to school the next day without a note from a physician or no fever for 48 hours. Also, if your child has 2 episodes of diarrhea you will be required to take him home as soon as possible.
These are signs of illness. We, like most schools, are not equipped to handle these kinds of problems. In the unusual event your child is seen to be infected with lice, you will need to take him/her home and treat both your child and the environment accordingly. Your child must be checked and determined to be free of lice and their eggs by the Director of the Preschool.
Please advise we are a peanut free school. Please send a nutritious lunch including a drink of water or juice, no soda. Nutritious lunches should not contain candy or soda. Please refrain from breakable/glass objects even for drinks. If lunch is forgotten by accident, we can provide a lunch at $5 per child. Please make sure to be prepared with your child’s lunch each day. Sample lunches that you can prepare are listed below and should have proteins, fruits and vegetables.
Please clearly write your child's name on his/her lunch bag or box. Include eating utensils, if needed. We will try to send home uneaten food, when practical. Remember to consider the eating limitations of small children when preparing portions of food. Most children eat only half of a sandwich, piece of fruit, drink, or treat.
We ask that no shell fish or meat products (beef or poultry) be sent to school with your child. Children should bring snack food from home for morning snack or we can provide them.
Cheese, cut into cubes and crackers | Vegetables and dip in a container | Hard-boiled egg | Sandwiches | Tuna in a container | Fruit whole or cut up | Bagel and cream cheese | Pasta Salad | Pickles | Celery with peanut butter | Olives | Thermos of Soup | Raisins | Salad in a container | Yogurt
Snacks will given each day. Snacks will contain proteins, vegetables or appropriate snacks. Water will always be available to the children throughout the day.
Sample Snack Menus
Monday - Graham crackers, water
Tuesday - Mozzarella stick, grapes
Wednesday - Cucumber and carrot Slices with pretzels
Thursday - Pineapple juice, celery sticks with peanut butter
Friday - Cantaloupe and watermelon chunks, wafers
Other snack ideas
Carrots and raisin | Fruit and yogurt | Sliced peaches and crackers | Oatmeal and bananas
Share days are set by your child's individual teacher. Please check and see which day your child may bring something to share. Mark them clearly. Please no toy guns, knives, or any other toy weapons. These toys are not in keeping with the values we teach the children.
During the school year we will be learning about different mitzvot (good deeds). When children do a mitzvah it is very important that they are shown appropriate recognition. Please send mitzvah notes to school as often as possible. A short note is fine. Examples of some mitzvah notes:
"Today Leah shared nicely with her...."
“Last night Rachel slept in her own bed...."
"Today Sam made a blessing before eating...."
Toys that are usually kept inside the classrooms should not be taken outside. Children who are eating should be sitting at the table. Shoes and socks must be worn at all times on the playground. Toys should be returned to its proper place after use. Sand: The sandbox should only be used when a teacher is nearby. Bikes: Children should ride sitting on the bike seat only, ride one person at a time on the bike, ride on the bike trail only, and refrain from pushing other children while riding on the back of the bike or pushing with their hands on the bike step.
Simple classroom birthday celebrations may be arranged in cooperation with the Hebrew teachers for students in Preschool. The Director MUST be notified in 24 in advance of any party to be held in school. In all cases, it is the parent who must initiate the arrangements with the teacher of the class. The teacher will be happy to recommend arrangements for the party.
All refreshments must be Kosher Parve and approved by Naomi. Baked goods can be acquired through the school’s kitchen or from approved kosher bakery.
Whenever the need arises, teachers and administrators may request a meeting with parents to discuss their child's progress in school. Parents, in turn, should feel free to request a meeting when they have a particular matter to discuss with the teacher or with the Director.
Parents can expect a return call or email from a teacher within twenty-four hours after their initial call. Please do not expect teachers to leave the classroom and come to the phone during school hours.
Tzedakah ("charity" or "righteousness") is a basic concept of Judaism. Our school attempts to develop a commitment a fortunate than themselves by donating a few pennies a day to charity. Parents are asked to provide young children with one coin daily. If your child does not bring a coin the teacher will provide one.
Parents and prospective parents may observe classes by calling the school office and scheduling an appointment in advance. By arranging a class observation in advance, parents will be able to derive maximum benefit with minimal disruption in the classroom. Parents must check in with the office upon arrival. When visiting classes, parents are requested to refrain from engaging students or teachers in conversation. In general, 30 minutes is considered ample time to observe a class.
The partnership between home and school begins with enrollment and continues throughout a student's educational program.
Our PA (Parent Association) provides many opportunities for volunteer efforts. Monthly meetings also provide classes in parenting, social activities and forums for parents to receive information, answers to questions or help.
Here are some ways parents can support our school.
• Volunteer to be a room parent. Room parents are our liaison between teachers and families.
• Organize the Earthquake kits
• Help with the Fundraisers
There are no make up days.
Families who do not pick up before 12:30pm (if half day option chosen) or after the 3:00pm will be charged $1.00 per minute unless other arrangements have been made.
It our goal to meet both the academic and social needs of all of its students. On occasion, a student with an academic or behavioral challenge may be enrolled. On such occasions, administration and teachers will make every effort to plan an appropriate program that provides the necessary support. If non typical behavior is observed by teacher, the teacher and director will do a 2 week observation followed by a meeting with the parent.
1. Whenever possible, teachers will receive advance notice of special student enrollment.
2. A team meeting will be convened to assist teacher with program needs and classroom modifications, including goal setting and expectations.
3. Regular meetings may be held with parents of special needs students and classroom teachers to ensure regular progress
Any divorce or separation must be communicated to Naomi immediately. Parents are required to abide by the safe school policy with respect to staff and other parents. Recognizing the complexities of divorce proceedings, teachers are asked to refrain from taking sides, especially as it relates to questions of parental custody. As a result, any requests for employees to write a letter supporting one parent or another will be denied by school administration. Teacher time is limited and must be focused on the education of all Aleph Preschool. Aleph Preschool has the right to terminate any enrollment if any divorce/separation is causing unnecessary distraction to the school.
In a situation of divorce, the school requires all legal documents pertinent to dealings with a child(ren) be on file and updated regularly in order to follow any arrangements with the child(ren). If documents are not on file the school will treat either parent as custodial parent.
In a situation where there is a shared arrangement with divorced parents, both parents will be required to agree in writing for either one to volunteer in the classroom of their child.
All staff members are required by law to report suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect. Abuse and neglect allegations are reported to the Department of Social Services 714-703-2800. If a parent suspects child abuse or neglect by a staff member please notify the director immediately. Parents may also contact the Department of Social Services.
If a teacher is suspected of child abuse, we will contact Child Protective Services and an investigation will begin. Until the investigation is complete and proper disciplinary steps have been taken and documented, the suspected teacher will not be allowed to interact with the children at any time.
Our teachers strive to maintain both frequent and clear communications. Weekly newsletters and special event flyers will keep you informed about activities in which you may want to participate. Please be sure that the email address that you have provided is current and checked regularly.
Questions about your child's program or progress should be directed to the child's teacher. If further clarification or information is desired, the Director of the Preschool is available to you. Teachers are committed to responding within 24 hours to any telephone call.
We realize that no one is perfect and we are not an exception. We aim to be as professional as possible, and welcome any constructive comments.
If you have a concern about the preschool or the level of care your child is receiving, we want to know. We need to get both positive and negative feedback in order to learn and continually improve our service. Parents should be reassured any concern made would never adversely affect the care provided to a child.
Our staff actively encourages children to have a positive attitude toward each other and empathy for other's feelings, but expectations are always developmentally realistic. Our staff encourages children to accept differences, appreciate the capabilities and limitations of children with special or additional needs and actively support them.
Some examples of guidance strategies for inappropriate behavior include:
1. Redirection and diversion to other activities.
2. Positive role modeling by staff.
3. Encouragement and positive feedback for appropriate behavior.
4. Ignore or give minimal attention to inappropriate attention seeking behavior (except when it involves hurting another child).
5. Give more attention to a child who has been hurt than the child doing the hurting.
6. Give children choices within agreed limits, with agreed consequences if limits are exceeded.
7. Provide a "table for one" with an activity to allow a child to calm down by him/herself.
8. Children are spoken to firmly but calmly with the focus being on the inappropriate
9. Children are taught to communicate their feelings verbally. (e.g., "I don't like it when you hurt my...") rather than lash out physically.
Aleph Preschool reserves the right to terminate enrollment whenever it is determined a child's behavior is out of control to the extent of endangering the safety and well being of a child or staff member. Also Aleph Preschool has the right to terminate the enrollment for a student if the parent has chosen to not follow the safe school policy.
Safe School Policy:
-Proper decorum, and appropriate speech (including greeting and goodbye) on school property, in school classroom, on social media sites and within conversation with other parents.
-Aleph Preschool expects civility from all who engage in school activities. Mutual respect, professionalism and common courtesy are essential qualities that all need to demonstrate in promoting an educational environment free from disruptions, harassment, bullying and aggressive actions. Communication, either positive or negative, regarding parents or their children’s concerns about the quality of instruction, classroom atmosphere, discipline, or interpersonal communication, or other relevant issues is not public. A meeting with Administrator and director will be set up upon request. When concerns are shared in a hostile manner through the use of abusive language, insults, threats, or loud discourse, this is not in adherence to the safe school policy.
Special needs children: We refer children with special needs to the appropriate community service agencies. If a teacher sees a concern, they will first document unusual behavior for two weeks and then set up a meeting with parents for a conference with documented information that is observed. Parents will be recommended to the appropriate organizations.