
Aleph Preschool Daily Schedule


8:30 AM- 9:30 AM Morning Provocations, sensory and art, free play

9:15 AM Judaic Circle & Judaic Activity/Craft

9:45 AM Outdoor Time & Snack 

(watering, planting, riding bikes, sand play, equipment play, outdoor cooking, outdoor academics)

11:10 AM  Indoors and Academic Circle, Books (counting, ABCs, days of week and month, theme of month)

12:05 PM Lunch

12:30/5 PM Dismissal for half day students

12:45 PM-2:05 PM Rest time & 30 Minute Rest

1:05 PM Activities for Non Sleepers 

2:10 PM Wake up, bathroom and Snack

2:15 PM Activity/Books, Afternoon Academic Closing Circle

2:25/2:30 PM Parent Pick Up


-Bathroom and Diaper Changes will be accordingly and logged on the daily bathroom log

-Please sign your child in/out daily

-Please have your child wash their hands when entering the room in the morning upon arrival.

-Please ensure you have closed the main door behind you to ensure safety for all children.