Orange County Mikvah Dedications 

Mikvah Dedication/$36,000 
Mrs. Nevona Shabtai

Mikvah Pool/$18,000 
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karp

Mikvah Reception/$10,000 
Mrs. & Mrs. Walter Poor

Mikvah Preparation (2) $10,000
Mr. Berel Weiss in memory of Rabbi Shmuel D. Raichek

We gratefully acknowledge the kindness and support of Mikvah USA and the tireless work of our supervising Rabbi, Rabbi Yirmi Katz.  

You can join the Orange County Mikvah Foundation:

Diamond $1,000, Gold $500, Silver $360, Patron $180


First Name  Last Name 

Street Address 

City  State:  Zip code 

Email:   Phone: 


I will pay by:

 Credit Card  Exp 


 Please send to:

Orange County Mikvah
19045 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda CA, 92886